Programming with Photons. Programujemy z Photonem. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Celebrating May the 3rd. 3 Maj już tuż tuż! Articles about fashion written in a German lesson... Class 2 and their favourite numbers in augmented r... First Graders reviewing colours and numbers in the... Zoo in Łódź. Zoo w Łodzi. European Day of Languages organised by our Student... Collage inspirations from Grade 2. Kolażowe inspir... Graders 7 & 8 watched a musical based on the b... Because real memories never fade. Klasy 1-3 zapali... Gratulujemy Justynie z klasy 4, która w zeszłym ty... With iPads we can learn anywhere. Doing Math outdo... Music Education in Grade 5. Lekcja muzyki w klasie... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... Congratulations to all our Master Chefs!!! Gratul... Visiting Santa. Klasy 1-3 z wizytą w Krainie Świę... The Big Challenge- congratulations to all our pupi...