Learning about road signs. Poznajemy znaki drogowe i wykonujemy makiety miast. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Little engineers- The Owls. Sówki na zajęciach od... Butterflies already at school! Motylki witają zer... Happy Teacher’s Day from Butterflies. Motylki świę... Dog therapy and the Owls. Zajęcia z dogoterapii w... Third Grade and „The Six Bullerby Children”. „Dzie... The Traveller's Club visited The Czech Republ... The Kindergarten Class looking for Spring. Zerówka... The Kindergarten Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day.... The Kindergarten class making Easter Baskets and l... Practicing volleyball in the PE lessons. Ćwiczymy... Grade 5 prepared an assembly about spending the wi... Halloweenowo. Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... An Eco Trip and planting our own trees. Wycieczka... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. There are many road signs, that we all must obey ....