An English class with Grade 1 Klasa pierwsza oraz ich lekcja języka angielskiego Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 6 making a selection of different big Europe... Quadrangles review in Grade 5. Matematyka klasa 5... The Kindergarten Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day.... Come to my pajama party It's gonna be a blast... Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... International Women’s Day- boys from Grade 6 and 7... Reviewing addition from 1-100. Ćwiczymy dodawanie... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Grandmother’s a... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... Congratulations to our girls who won a handball to... Worshops with Aqua entitled “Water as the Source o... Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Pi... Our school trip to Warsaw. Łazienki, budynek sejmu... Fancy dress ball in the Kindergarten Class. Bal k... Sensory art- the Kindergarten Class playing with n... Hot potato review before our English test. Powtór...