Arts and Crafts. Pupils will create different props according to the project they will take part in.Projekt wykonywany na lekcjach techniki. Każdy etap zakończy się wykonanym w całości przedmiotem, np. trójkołowcem, marionetką itp. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... Grade 3 programming with Minecraft. Klasa 3 progr... An English class with Grade 1 Klasa pierwsza oraz... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Bees Day. Zerów... Our tomatoes have been plated! Now we can’t wait t... First Graders honoured to be the members of our sc... Working creatively with the book “Hobbit”. Kreatyw... A workshop in the Sułkowski Castle that the Kinder... Butterflies and their work of art inspired by autu... In the world of geometry. W świecie prostych prost... H for Halloween and Grade 1. H jak Halloween, klas... The Kindergarten Class having loads of fun! Zerów... A museum in Poznan visited virtually by Grade 1. K... Grade 5 made Autumn pictures. Klasa 5 wykonuje pra... String art. Partsof speech- reviewing them with our peers who...