Arts and Crafts. Pupils will create different props according to the project they will take part in.Projekt wykonywany na lekcjach techniki. Każdy etap zakończy się wykonanym w całości przedmiotem, np. trójkołowcem, marionetką itp. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Learning English- all in one: listening activities... Everyone is welcome to walk through the door. Ther... Telling the time is no longer a mystery! Zegar i p... Master Chef- a contest organised by our school. Ma... Grade 5 and their notes concerning conditionals. N... Autumn leaves made by Grade 3. Jesienne liście kla... Coding in an IT class. Kodowanie podczas lekcji in... Autumn trees made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesi... Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter... Travelling around the world with Grade 4. Podróżuj... I love you Mom! Kocham Cię Mamo! Halloween traditions and vocabulary in a German le... Table tennis- girls scored 2nd place as a team and... The Kindergarten Class already knows how important... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... Solar system made by Grade 1. Układ słonaczny w w...