Halloween Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Zwyciężczynie ogólnopolskiego konkursu na prototyp... Grammar can be fun - powtórka poznanych czasów pod... The Kindergarten Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day.... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. The sun is shining, On this amazing day, Of new be... Using ink and spots in Polish classes with Grade 4... Grade 3 learning to code in their IT lesson. Klasa... Pupils wrote scripts,recorded and then edited thei... Grade 3 programming with Minecraft. Klasa 3 progr... Chocolate surprise on the occasion of The Girls’ a... The phenomenon of electrification on Class 8. Elek... The Kindergarten Class and their handmade birdhous... A virtual trip to Cracow. Klasa 3 wybrała się w wi... Making Easter Eggs to help poor families! We love... Arts and crafts and handmade owls. Sówki z masy s... The Kindergarten Class and their Valentine games....