A crossroads made by our 4th Grader. Makieta skrzyżowania w wykonaniu czwartoklasistki. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Running competitions- congratulations to everyone... Dictionaries made by Class 4 using the things arou... The Kindergarten Class begins their adventure with... Zerówka robi pączki. The Kindergarten Class making... Pencil cases for Cameroon. An action organised by... Graders 7 & 8 watched a musical based on the b... Another school year has passed. Loads of congratul... Santa is here! Mikołaj odwiedził i nas! Our pupil Justyna wins a table tennis tournament i... A crossroads made by our 4th Grader. Makieta skrzy... Collage inspirations from Grade 2. Kolażowe inspir... Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... Being inspired by the poems Grade 8 read, they wro... Mystery boxes created by Class 4- we got inspired... English in practice, learning can be fun. Używamy... Carnival masks made by our youngest pupils. Maski...