A football tournament. Nasza szkoła awansowała do 1/8 finału w piłce nożnej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń A Spanish lesson about animals and prepositions of... First signs of spring. Winners of our photography... Building something out of nothing, that could be n... Learning with fun makes our pupils remember things... Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis... 8th Graders went through the first match in the to... Class 2 learnt about different castles in Poland.... Telling the time is no longer a mystery! Zegar i p... Grades 2 & 3 have planted their own radishes.... Posters advertising a movie based on a book Grade... Chocolate surprise on the occasion of The Girls’ a... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe A story about socks- pictures depicting the book.... The Kindergarten Class in a theatre. “The next day... Making Autumn pictures with ice cubes. Sensoplasty... Measuring the force of gravity. Siła ciężkości - b...