Second Graders working hard in their English class. Klasa 2 pilnie pracuje na języku angielskim. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Geometry can be so much fun! Polydron- efektywna n... Building something out of nothing, that could be n... Coding in an IT class. Kodowanie podczas lekcji in... Lap books based on a book we have read. Wykonujem... Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... Practicing volleyball in the PE lessons. Ćwiczymy... Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Pi... Our theatre group called “No Name” took part in a... Our pupils commemorated the anniversary of Warsaw... Lapbooks made by Grade 3. Lapbooki w wykonaniu kla... Colourful hedgehogs made by the Kindergarten Class... Sooo engaged in robotics. Robotyka pełną parą. “Live pictures” made by the Kindergarten Class. Ży... A book written by our little travellers already av... When Mum goes shopping There's just no sptopp... Learning about road signs. Poznajemy znaki drogow...