Donuts, donuts, donuts… Tłusty czwartek. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń An English class about clothes in Grade 1. Lekcja... Maths in a Spanish lesson. Las matemáticas. My typical day. Class 6 have made diaries about th... Bank robbery- a Spanish lesson with robots. El rob... Making and decorating gingerbread cookies Święta p... Love helping others . Kolejny braliśmy udział w ak... Christmas Kindergarten Class. Świąteczna Zerówka. Little Dicoveres and their club made “pierogi” . K... St. Andrew's Day and fortune- telling. Dysko... Grade 1 and their first augmented reality projects... Congratulations to our pupils who took part in a t... Arts and Crafts. Pupils will create different prop... Collage inspirations from Grade 2. Kolażowe inspir... St. Andrew's Day in The Kindergarten Class. A... A 4-day trip to Bałtów. Wycieczka czterodniowa do... The Owls working in groups. Praca w grupach Sówek.