Discussing and analysing a book 3rd Grade read. Tworzymy ścieżkę opowieści na podstawie lektury pt. „Dziadek i niedźwiadek.” Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Because we learn English in order to use it. Class... Class 1 and their German lesson about jobs. Was bi... Auf Schatzsuche: Wir beschreiben den Weg zum verst... An English Song Contest and its results. Congratul... A workshop in the Sułkowski Castle that the Kinder... A cross-curricular project that 7th Grade took par... Santa is here! Mikołaj odwiedził i nas! Jak co roku, nasi Uczniowie znów przystąpili do eg... A crossroads made by our 4th Grader. Makieta skrzy... Cheerful creatures made by the Kindergarten Class.... Travelling around the world with Grade 4. Podróżuj... First signs of spring. Winners of our photography... Butterflies and their umbrellas. Motylkowe parasol... Grade 5 and their notes concerning conditionals. N... Turning our drawings into 3D animated cartoons. Na... International Dot Day. Międzynarodowy Dzień Kropki...