Reading books and talking about them can be exciting! Grade 3. Klasa 3 i „Kajtkowe przygody”. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń New School Year has just begun! Rozpoczęcie Roku S... Donuts, donuts, donuts… Tłusty czwartek. Learning English grammar can be fun. This time iPa... First Coding Club met this Tuesday. We ale Sharm... Passive voice in English presented and explained b... A lesson about theatre. Fifth Graders made their o... Arts and crafts and handmade owls. Sówki z masy s... Posters encouraging others to read. Wykonanie proj... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Easter. Wielkan... Halloween traditions and vocabulary in a German le... Celebrated Children’s Day by organising Sport’s Da... Learning about the nervous system. Poznajemy układ... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... Building dinosaurs with Lego blocks taking into co... Learning grammar with fun! Uczymy się gramatyki z...