Sensorial bags The Kindergarten Class made. Woreczki sensoryczne Zerówki. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 1 learning colours in a German lesson. Die F... Visiting amazing Cavatina Hall and experiencing it... Give your students the topic, their imagination wi... A three days trip to Istebna. Wycieczka trzydniowa... A Spanish lesson about animals and prepositions of... Different kinds of prisms- it doesn’t have to be d... Who has the right of way. Grade 4 already knows. K... Spring is here!!! Zerówka wita wiosnę! What have I got? First Grade reviewing school item... When Mum goes shopping There's just no sptopp... Building something out of nothing, that could be n... Grade 5 solving riddles in their English class. L... Traveller's Club visited Egypt this time- we... Practicing volleyball in the PE lessons. Ćwiczymy... An assembly on the occasion of Regaining Independe... Tom Sawyer depicted by Grade 6. Tomek Sawyer przed...