Grade 6 learning about geographical discoveries. Christopher Columbus visited the royal family in Spain for example. Klasa 6 poznaje odkrycia geograficzne w ciekawy sposób, Krzysztof Kolumb odwiedził parę królewską w Hiszpanii. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Another good news from Justyna. Congratulations! K... Learning Maths with cards. Gra w karty- kieszonkow... Preschooler’s Day. Dzień przedszkolaka. Arts and crafts- we moved to prehistoric times. Na... Sensory art in the Kindergarten Group. Sensoplast... A Geography lesson- 5 Graders took part in a sympo... Our boys also did their best in handball and score... The Kindergarten Class already knows how important... The Kindergarten Class made cards for World War II... First Graders and the letter ‘O’ „O,o” jak „Ooo j... A lesson about theatre. Fifth Graders made their o... Working creatively in Grade 1. Kreatywnie w klasie... Having fun together! Our Kindergarten group. Szalo... Because we learn English in order to use it. Class... Physical Education. Wf w klasie 1. What would you do if you won a lottery? Conditiona...