Learning measuring and maths with our favourite stuffed animals. Nauka centrymetrów na podstawie mierzenia maskotek. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Geometric shapes in Grade 1. Figury geometryczne... Autumn is beautiful! The Kindergarten Class enjoys... Traveller's Club and our movies about Israel.... The Kindergarten Class playing with coloured noodl... First Graders and the letter ‘O’ „O,o” jak „Ooo j... Autumn soap made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesien... First Grade learning about colours in German. In d... Workshops with a psychologist about stress. Warszt... Making and decorating gingerbread cookies Święta p... Peer teaching- a 7th Grader teaches Math to 1st Gr... A workshop in the Sułkowski Castle that the Kinder... Class 1 and their German lesson about jobs. Was bi... Sensory art- the Kindergarten Class playing with n... New School Year has just begun! Rozpoczęcie Roku S... A play conducted by The Kindergarten Class for the... Thanks to this workshop our youngest pupils know a...