Lapbooks made by 2nd Graders. Lapbooki klasy drugiej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 2 doing Math! Klasa 2 uczy sie dodawać z pr... Congratulations to all participants of the Nationw... The Traveller's Club visited The Czech Republ... Building something out of nothing, that could be n... Green and ecological workshops the Kindergarten Cl... First Aid workshop with the Kindergarten Class. M... Autumn leaves made by Grade 2. Jesienne liście kla... Geometric shapes in Grade 1. Figury geometryczne... A history class we took participated in. Żywa lekc... First Graders and their parrots. Klasa pierwsza wy... Where does water found in rivers, lakes and oceans... Worshops with Aqua entitled “Water as the Source o... Physics in practice. Wyznaczamy gęstość substancji... An English Song Contest and its results. Congratul... First graders made ther own movies and adverts. Uc... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl...