A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade 7. Makieta planet, które odwiedzał Mały Książę, w wykonaniu klasy siódmej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Reviewing before an English test can be fun. Powtó... Learning grammar with fun! Uczymy się gramatyki z... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... Peer teaching- 7 Graders taught 2nd Graders about... Moss works of art made by the Owls. Obrazy z mchu.... A new school year. Wishing all our pupils all the... Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Pi... Programming with Photons. Programujemy z Photonem. Who’s the strongest, the tallest or the shortest?... Eager for knowledge, 5th Graders worked hard discu... Class 1 and their German lesson about jobs. Was bi... Because real memories never fade. Klasy 1-3 zapali... Teacher’s Day. Grade 8 prepared a wonderful and hi... First Graders learning body parts in their English... PE is what we love. Nie ma to jak lekcja WFu. Easter eggs, bunnies and baskets in German lessons...