Grade 5 playing role of book characters who come up with different inventions. It’s worth reading books. Uczniowie klasy 5 wcielają się w postacie z lektury i tworzą wynalazki. Warto czytać książki. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Parts of speech- Grade 6 made their own bulletin b... Zwyciężczynie ogólnopolskiego konkursu na prototyp... Apples dangle, ripe and sweet, crisp and juicy, su... Christmas Songs, Carlos, gifts, joy and Christmas... “The Chronicles of Narnia” depicted by Year 4. „Op... Grade 1 and their first meeting with Dash the robo... First Grade learning clothes in English . Klasa p... A story about socks- pictures depicting the book.... A book made a 1st Grader about her family. Książka... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe “Live pictures” made by the Kindergarten Class. Ży... Grammar can be fun - powtórka poznanych czasów pod... Congratulations to our pupils who took part in a t... Autumn is beautiful! The Kindergarten Class enjoys... Sensory art in The Kindergarten Class- drawing wit... Dream catchers made by the Kindergarten Class. Ła...