The Best Show- our carnival school contest. The Best Show- szkolny konkurs karnawałowy. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Winter in a jar. Zerówka zaprasza na zimowy eksper... The sun is shining, On this amazing day, Of new be... Pączkowo. Doughnuts Day. Squirrel, sguirrel bushy qnd gray, Please find yo... Spring hyacinths made by the Kindergarten Class.... St. Andrew's Day in The Kindergarten Class. A... Pencil cases for Cameroon. An action organised by... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... First grade visited Greece during the Traveller... Dictionaries made by Class 4 using the things arou... Congratulations to all participants of the Nationw... The Kindergarten Class and their handmade birdhous... Which one is heavier- water, oil or denaturated al... Second Graders working hard in their English class... Another good news from Justyna. Congratulations! K... Making Easter Eggs to help poor families! We love...