Spring plants prepared by The Kindergarten Class will decorate our garden. Wiosenne sadzonki- wiosna w przedszkolu zawita na dobre. Wraz z dziećmi zasadzimy kwiatuszki, które ozdobią nasze przedszkole. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Geometric shapes in Grade 1. Figury geometryczne... How important is it to know the history of our cou... Preschooler’s Day. Dzień przedszkolaka. My typical day. Class 6 have made diaries about th... Reading newspapers straight from the UK #royalfami... Class 1 and days of the week in English. Klasa pi... Like a kid in a candy store. Jak ryby w wodzie. Sensory art- the Kindergarten Class playing with n... Communication, a very necessary skill. This time t... Grade 2 making their crystals. Klasa 2 oraz ich so... Hot potato review before our English test. Powtór... NO FOR SMOG!!! We made a work of art for a contest... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Gifts for their Moms from Class 3. Klasa 3 wykonał... Celebrating Cartoon Character Day. Zerówka świętuj... Our teachers visiting Portugal to observe other te...