First Graders and their parrots. Klasa pierwsza wykonała swoje kolorowe papugi na lekcji plastyki Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń 8th Graders went through the first match in the to... Peer teaching in Grade 1. Lekcja koleżeńska w klas... Quadrangles review in Grade 5. Matematyka klasa 5... Poetry out loud-a school contest and little actors... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Zerówka świętuje Światowy Dzień Wody. The Kinderg... Checking characteristics of potatoe starch. Badamy... Grades 2 & 3 have planted their own radishes.... Parts of speech- Grade 6 made their own bulletin b... Lollipop workshops on the occasion of the Internat... The Kindergarten Class made Christmas cards for wa... Santa was here too! Mikołaj zagościł w naszej szk... Everyone is welcome to walk through the door. Ther... PE is what we love. Nie ma to jak lekcja WFu. Grade 2 and their favourite books. Klasa 2 omawia... Design technology in Grade 5. W pracowni technicz...