Autumn leaves made by Grade 3. Jesienne liście klasy 3. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Learning English grammar is a piece of cake for Gr... An IT lesson- Grade 1 can already code. Informatyk... Let’s count to 100! Liczymy do 100. Colourful hedgehogs made by the Kindergarten Class... First Graders officially students of our School.... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... Reviewing grammar and talking about the past in an... Justyna, our 8th Grader, for the fourth time won a... Chocolate surprise on the occasion of The Girls’ a... Winter mosaics made by The Kindergarten Class. Zim... Grade 2 already knows where days come from. Klasa... Squirrel, sguirrel bushy qnd gray, Please find yo... Using ink and spots in Polish classes with Grade 4... Making pickles and learning Math. Zajęcia dydakt... Halloween in a German lesson with Grade 1. Hallowe... Pan Tadeusz in the eyes of our pupils! Pan Tadeusz...