Winners of the School Mythology Contest. Congratulations!!! Laureaci szkolnego konkursu mitologicznego. Serdecznie gratulujemy wybitnej wiedzy!!! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Giving short account of Trojan War in a Polish les... Why is it warmer and warmer on Earth? How does it... Our teachers visiting Portugal to observe other te... Grade 1 and their first meeting with Dash the robo... Our theatre group called “No Name” took part in a... Arts and crafts- we moved to prehistoric times. Na... Master Chef- a contest organised by our school. Ma... Travelling around the world with Grade 4. Podróżuj... Christmas Eve at school. Wigilie klasowe Laureates of the school contes entitled NO FOR SMO... Grade 7 discussing and watching “The Liitle Prince... “The Chronicles of Narnia” depicted by Year 4. „Op... Flojamo workshops. Zajęcia Flojamo - Od Nowicjusza... Workshops with a psychologist about stress. Warszt... Playing in the snow. Zerówka bawi się na śniegu. A 4-day trip to Bałtów. Wycieczka czterodniowa do...