Celebrating the Teddy Bear Day in the Kindergarten Class. Dzień pluszowego misia w Zerówce. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń The sun is shining, On this amazing day, Of new be... An Eco Trip and planting our own trees. Wycieczka... Easter eggs, bunnies and baskets in German lessons... Third graders grow their beans :) Hodowla fasoli... Making Easter Eggs to help poor families! We love... Our trip to London :) Wspomnienia z wycieczki do L... Phraseology depicted by a student from Class 8. Ow... First Graders made some black sheep- the main char... First Graders read their first book. This characte... Creative Math- reviewing multiplication in diverse... Grade 1 creating their own music. Klasa 1 tworzy w... Why playing in the mud is more than just fun! Sens... A Geography lesson- 5 Graders took part in a sympo... Grade 3 and their Halloween decorations. Klasa 3 o... First Grade learning about colours in German. In d... Making the area around us a better place! I nasi U...