Independent Poland- a photography contest organised in our school. Congratulations to everyone! Polska niepodległa- konkurs fotograficzny w naszej szkole. Serdecznie gratulujemy wszystkich uczestnikom! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń First signs of spring. Winners of our photography... Quadrangles review in Grade 5. Matematyka klasa 5... Peer teaching- a 7th Grader teaches Math to 1st Gr... Visiting amazing Cavatina Hall and experiencing it... Our Christmas Play. Jasełka. Our team competed in a football tournament. Drużyn... Second Graders working hard in their English class... 4th graders prepared an English lesson for 1st gra... Creative Math- reviewing multiplication in diverse... Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter... An English class with Grade 1 Klasa pierwsza oraz... Animals, animal vocabulary and jobs. A German clas... Reviewing addition from 1-100. Ćwiczymy dodawanie... Lapbooks made by 2nd Graders. Lapbooki klasy drugi... Valentine bookmarks. Walentynkowe zakładki do ksią... NO FOR SMOG!!! We made a work of art for a contest...