Younger classes in ZawojaWłasnoręcznie wykonane oscypki smakują najlepiej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń The Kindergarten Class enjoying a soft play! Zerów... Butterflies and their work of art inspired by autu... Love helping others . Kolejny braliśmy udział w ak... How much does it weigh? Ile to waży? Jednostki ma... Math is interesting. Spatial relations and coding... Class 3 and their presentations about mineral reso... Having fun together! Our Kindergarten group. Szalo... A crossroads made by our 4th Grader. Makieta skrzy... Moss works of art made by the Owls. Obrazy z mchu.... Class 7 working on their project called “Component... 22 April, celebrating Earth Day. 22 kwietnia Dzie... Handball- our pupils as Champions of Bielsko- Biał... A Christmas tree different than the other ones. C... Practicing telling the time. Ćwiczymy rozpoznawani... Our pupils already know how important it is to eat... Measuring gravity. Fizyka - klasa 7. Doświadczenia...