Grade 6 making a selection of different big European cities. Klasa 6 na geografii selekcjonowała informacje związane z wielkimi miastami Europy Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Spring hyacinths made by the Kindergarten Class.... Easter eggs, bunnies and baskets in German lessons... Donuts, donuts, donuts… Tłusty czwartek. Grade 1 and gifts they made for their Moms. Upomin... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Grandmother’s a... Peer teaching- 7 Graders taught 2nd Graders about... Peer teaching- Grade 5 teaching Math to Grade 3. L... Abstract art made by Class 3. Abstrakcjonizm na e... First Coding Club met this Tuesday. We ale Sharm... The Student Council President and Class Presidents... String art. Grade 6 learning about great geographical discover... Another school year has passed. Loads of congratul... Physical Education. Wf w klasie 1. Congratulations to all our Master Chefs!!! Gratul... Christmas Eve that The Owls spent together. Wigili...