The Kindergarten Class made cards for World War II veterans. “Serce za odwagę" -zerówka przygotowuje kartki świąteczne dla weteranów II wojny światowej. Dziękujemy za Waszą odwagę. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Citius-Altius-Fortius. Szybciej-wyżej-silniej brzm... Traveller’s Club- we visited Japan, wrote our name... A lesson about theatre. Fifth Graders made their o... Posters encouraging others to read. Wykonanie proj... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... An assembly on the occasion of Regaining Independe... Grade 1 and their Valentine Cards. Klasa 1 oraz ic... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Halloween. Zeró... Squirrel, sguirrel bushy qnd gray, Please find yo... Spring plants prepared by The Kindergarten Class w... “Don’t Cry, Little Goat” depicted in a short play... Being inspired by the poems Grade 8 read, they wro... What does the hedgehog's house look like? Ano... What have I got? First Grade reviewing school item... Geaography class can be sooo interesting! Formy po... A Christmas tree different than the other ones. C...