Gifts for their Moms from Class 3. Klasa 3 wykonała prezenty z okazji Dnia Mamy metodą decoupage. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń First Graders and their parrots. Klasa pierwsza wy... An Eco Trip and planting our own trees. Wycieczka... Learning about road signs. Poznajemy znaki drogow... An English class in Grade 2. Angielski w klasie 2. Grade 2 depicted themselves in “The Scream” painti... There are many road signs, that we all must obey .... The Kindergarten Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day.... Communication, a very necessary skill. This time t... Group work in a Geography lesson in Grade 7. Praca... New School Year begins! Kolejny rok szkolny przed... Carnival masks made by Grade 1. Maski karnawałowe... St. Valentines. Walentynkowo. Edukido- playing with robots. Edukido - robot łazi... Inetrnational Women’s Day! Od Panów dla Pań dziś S... Learning about the nervous system. Poznajemy układ... Fancy dress ball in the Kindergarten Class. Bal k...