Workshops with FloJaMo. Sówki podczas warsztatów z FloJaMo. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Financial Education in Grade 3. „Trampki na giełdz... The Owls learnt about warm colours. Sówki poznają... Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... First Graders honoured to be the members of our sc... Learning past tense in a German lesson. Hast du ge... Choosing Student Council in Grade 2. Wybory Samorz... Congratulations- here are the winners of a school... 8th place in the athletics competition. Congratula... Lollipop workshops on the occasion of the Internat... Making the area around us a better place! I nasi U... Learning abou how difficult the job of a writer is... Plants need water and the sun to grow. But that’s... New School Year begins! Kolejny rok szkolny przed... “Live pictures” made by the Kindergarten Class. Ży... Celebrating European Day of Languages. Świętujemy... Travelling around the world - poznajemy nazwy pańs...