Learning to read the temperature from a thermometer. Uczymy się odczytywać temperaturę z termometra. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń NO FOR SMOG!!! We made a work of art for a contest... Reviewing future forms in English using our favour... Autumn leaves made by Grade 2. Jesienne liście kla... Our Christmas Play. Jasełka. Women’s Day. Grade 2 preparing presents for their... A lesson about theatre. Fifth Graders made their o... What is there on my plate? Talking about food and... Communication, a very necessary skill. This time t... International Cat Day in The Kindergarten Class. D... Worshops with Aqua entitled “Water as the Source o... The Kindergarten Class in a theatre. “The next day... 2nd Graders made their own math board games. Klasa... Reading newspapers straight from the UK #royalfami... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Bees Day. Zerów... Athletics competition our pupils took part in. Czw... Spring plants prepared by The Kindergarten Class w...