Dressing up changes the way you look but doesn’t change your personality. Komunikacja interpersonalna- przebranie zmienia nasz wizerunek ale nie osobowość. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Reviewing before an English test can be fun. Powtó... Experiments with dry ice. Doświadczenia i zabawy z... The boys’ team and their 4th place in handball. Re... St. Andrew's Day in The Kindergarten Class. A... Grades 1-3 and Robotics. Klasy 1-3 i robotyka. Klasy 1-3 w Zaczarowanym Lesie. Classes 1-3 on a s... Halloween traditions and vocabulary in a German le... Butterflies and their work of art inspired by autu... Happy Kindegarten day! Wszystkiego Najlepszego dl... Watching our tomatoes grow. Dbamy o nasze pomidork... Valentine bookmarks. Walentynkowe zakładki do ksią... Winners of our School Language contest. Congratula... Green and ecological workshops the Kindergarten Cl... How important is it to know the history of our cou... Plants need water and the sun to grow. But that’s... Eco bird feeders made by The Kindergarten Class. E...