The Kindergarten Class welcomes Spring. Zerówka wita wiosnę. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń First edition of the School News this school year.... Women's Day! Dzień Kobiet! Our Carnival shows. Each class prepared their own... A 4-day trip to Bałtów. Wycieczka czterodniowa do... The Kindergarten Class made their little forests.... Rainy pictures. Deszczowe obrazki. Reviewing future forms in English using our favour... There are many road signs, that we all must obey .... The boys’ team and their 4th place in handball. Re... Uczniowie klasy 4 i 5 potrafią już bezpiecznie ucz... Third Graders hope their beans will grow fast . Kl... Grade 5 writing their own comic books. Klasa 5 stw... Zerówka zaprasza na Pajama Party. Come to my pajam... Happy Teacher’s Day from Butterflies. Motylki świę... Using cups in a music lesson. Wędrujące kubki podc... Mystery boxes created by Class 4- we got inspired...