Giving short account of Trojan War in a Polish lesson. Relacje z wojny trojańskiej na lekcji języka polskiego. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Working creatively in Grade 1. Kreatywnie w klasie... Worshops with Aqua entitled “Water as the Source o... How much does it weigh? Ile to waży? Jednostki ma... Autumn trees made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesi... New Year’s fireworks made by Class 1. Sylwestrowe... Autumn works of art by grade 3. Jesienne prace z l... First Graders and a theatre lesson where they unsc... Our Carnival shows. Each class prepared their own... My friend Picasso. Mój przyjaciel Picasso. Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Maths in a Spanish lesson. Las matemáticas. Class 5 analysing books. Klasa 5 omawia lektury. Why is it warmer and warmer on Earth? How does it... Stations that 8th Graders used to talk about a boo... A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade...