Congratulations to our girls who won a handball tournament in Bielsko-Biała. Reprezentacja szkoły dziewcząt zajęła I miejsce w Bielsku-Białej w zawodach piłki ręcznej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Puppets made by Grade 3. Pacynki w wykonaniu klasy... Bank robbery- a Spanish lesson with robots. El rob... Grade 2 and their favourite books. Klasa 2 omawia... Waiting for spring to come… Marzanno, marzanno ty... Experiments with dry ice. Doświadczenia i zabawy z... Grades 1 and 2 learning about the world’s most fam... Origami mushrooms. Muchomorki z origami. Telling the time is no longer a mystery! Zegar i p... Learning past tense in a German lesson. Hast du ge... Laureates of the school contes entitled NO FOR SMO... Autumn soap made by the Kindergarten Class. Jesien... A play conducted by The Kindergarten Class for the... On our way and in Banialuka theatre. Wczoraj w Ban... Coding in an IT class. Kodowanie podczas lekcji in... Why playing in the mud is more than just fun! Sens... Grade 3 learning to code in their IT lesson. Klasa...