Like a kid in a candy store. Jak ryby w wodzie. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Little Discoverer's Club- playing with plaste... A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade... Grade 3 learning about the weather in a German les... A crossroads made by our 4th Grader. Makieta skrzy... Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis... Spring plants prepared by The Kindergarten Class w... Christmas Songs, Carlos, gifts, joy and Christmas... A play conducted by The Kindergarten Class for the... Can you build blood circulation system with Lego?... Learning to code from early ages. Kodujemy od naj... 4th graders prepared an English lesson for 1st gra... Another football tournament boys from Grade 8 took... What would you do if you won a lottery? Conditiona... Visiting Santa. Klasy 1-3 z wizytą w Krainie Świę... Spring hyacinths made by the Kindergarten Class.... What are they wearing? What have they got? Reviewi...