A 4-day trio to Bałtów. Wycieczka czterodniowa do Bałtowa Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Autumn works of art by grade 3. Jesienne prace z l... Celebrated Children’s Day by organising Sport’s Da... Grade 3 programming with Minecraft. Klasa 3 progr... 8th Graders went through the first match in the to... The Owls making non-Newtonian fluid. Sówki robią... Preschooler’s Day. Dzień przedszkolaka. We all wish the lunch break, which is already an h... Chocolate surprise on the occasion of The Girls’ a... My favourite book! Class 3 depicted their favourit... Independent Poland- a photography contest organise... Sensory play in the Kindergarten Class :) Zajęcia... Sensory art in The Kindergarten Class- drawing wit... Where does water found in rivers, lakes and oceans... Creative Math- reviewing multiplication in diverse... Grade 4 programming in their IT class. Klasa 4 pro... Traveller's Club and our movies about Israel....