Unique advent calendars made by second grade. Oryginalne kalendarze adwentowe w wykonaniu uczniów klasy drugiej. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń International Women’s Day- The Kindergarten Class... Cheerful creatures made by the Kindergarten Class.... Another good news from Justyna. Congratulations! K... Gliniane figurki - warsztaty z grupą Maj-Art. Continuation of the project our students have been... Spring flowers by Grade 1. Wiosenne kwiaty cebulk... Bank robbery- a Spanish lesson with robots. El rob... Autumn works of art made by The Kindergarten Class... Grade 5 writing their own comic books. Klasa 5 stw... Going to space. Ruszamy w kosmos. Animals, animal vocabulary and jobs. A German clas... Lap books based on a book we have read. Wykonujem... The Kindergarten Class made their little forests.... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Visiting Santa. Klasy 1-3 z wizytą w Krainie Świę... Butterflies and their umbrellas. Motylkowe parasol...