The Kindergarten Class looking for Spring. Zerówka szuka Wiosny. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń My favourite book! Class 3 depicted their favourit... Congratulations to Justyna, our 5th Grader. She go... Let’s count to 100! Liczymy do 100. Playing with fake snow. Zabawa sztucznym śniegiem. First Graders honoured to be the members of our sc... Peer teaching- Grade 5 teaching Math to Grade 3. L... Reviewing grammar and talking about the past in an... The most beautiful Christmas classroom contest. Ko... Passive voice in English presented and explained b... The Kindergarten Class experimented with jumping e... Halloween Give your students the topic, their imagination wi... Grade 3 and their Halloween decorations. Klasa 3 o... Autumn is beautiful! The Kindergarten Class enjoys... Moss works of art made by the Owls. Obrazy z mchu.... Younger classes in ZawojaWłasnoręcznie wykonane os...