Valentine’s Day celebrated by The Kindergarten Class. Dzień Walentego w Zerówce. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Who is stronger? Who’s the strongest? Learning com... Have you got any brothers or sisters? Family membe... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Pizza Day. Zer... Christmas Eve that The Owls spent together. Wigili... Second Graders talk about “The Ugly Duckling”. Kl... Gliniane figurki - warsztaty z grupą Maj-Art. Patriotic Autumn works of art. Jesienna patriotycz... Another football tournament boys from Grade 8 took... Across the galaxy - We’re exploring the Solar Syst... Physics and experiments- because this way you lear... The Kindergarten Class begins their adventure with... Passive voice in English presented and explained b... Give your students the topic, their imagination wi... Auf Schatzsuche: Wir beschreiben den Weg zum verst... Because we learn English in order to use it. Class... Christmas singing contest. Konkurs piosenek świąte...