Traveller's Club visited Egypt this time- we saw and touched coral reef, shells, pyramids and Sphinx. Klub Młodego Podróżnika zawitał do Egiptu. Uczniowie dotykali i zobaczyli jak wyglada rafa koralowa, muszle, piramidy i Sfinx Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń The phenomenon of electrification on Class 8. Elek... Robotics. Robotyka. Valentine’s Day celebrated by The Kindergarten Cla... Lapbooks made by 2nd Graders. Lapbooki klasy drugi... Learning English- all in one: listening activities... The Owls making non-Newtonian fluid. Sówki robią... Grade 2 depicting “Snow Queen”. Klasa 2 oraz ich p... Autumn leaves made by Grade 2. Jesienne liście kla... Peer teaching- a 7th Grader teaches Math to 1st Gr... Arts and Crafts. Pupils will create different prop... Grade 6 making a selection of different big Europe... Third Graders hope their beans will grow fast . Kl... The Kindergarten Class celebrating St. Valentine’s... Winners of our School Language contest. Congratula... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Women’s Day. Grade 2 preparing presents for their...