Together we can do so much more! Razem możemy więcej! Akcja Sprzątania Świata. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Happy Kindegarten day! Wszystkiego Najlepszego dl... New School Year has just begun! Rozpoczęcie Roku S... The Kindergarten Class celebrating St. Valentine’s... Design technology in Grade 5. W pracowni technicz... Something our pupils always look forward to. Thurs... The Kindergarten Class and their Valentine games.... Women’s Day. Grade 2 preparing presents for their... Different kinds of prisms- it doesn’t have to be d... Plants need water and the sun to grow. But that’s... Who’s the strongest, the tallest or the shortest?... The Kindergarten Class begins their adventure with... Working creatively with the book “Hobbit”. Kreatyw... Building dinosaurs with Lego blocks taking into co... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Comparatives and superlatives with Lego and iPad.... “Don’t Cry, Little Goat” depicted in a short play...