Time to relax and rest- winter break is here! :)) Czas ferii to czas zasłużonego odpoczynku :)) Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Because real memories never fade. Klasy 1-3 zapali... We can all make this world a better place! Thanks... Results of a Nationwide English Contest “MEMORY MA... Butterflies already at school! Motylki witają zer... Grade 6 in the mountains. Wyprawa klasy 6 na Blatn... Our pupil Justyna wins a table tennis tournament i... Mystery boxes created by Class 4- we got inspired... Grade 8 and their geography lesson. Presenting Ken... Posters advertising a movie based on a book Grade... Travelling around the world with Grade 4. Podróżuj... What is there on my plate? Talking about food and... There are many road signs, that we all must obey .... 22 April, celebrating Earth Day. 22 kwietnia Dzie... Our boys also did their best in handball and score... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł...