Tick tack- Grade 1 learning to tell the time. Tik tak, tik tak- klasa 1 uczy się odmierzać czas na zegarze. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Grade 7 learning about Physics. Fizyka w klasie 7.... Something our pupils always look forward to. Thurs... Eco bird feeders made by The Kindergarten Class. E... Grade 5 made Autumn pictures. Klasa 5 wykonuje pra... Workshops with a psychologist about stress. Warszt... Winter in a jar. Zerówka zaprasza na zimowy eksper... The Kindergarten Class and their handmade birdhous... Give your students the topic, their imagination wi... Japan- a country famous for its cherries. The Kind... Grade 2 learning about Roman numerals. Klasa 2 poz... Christmas Songs, Carlos, gifts, joy and Christmas... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... Little Dicoveres and their club made “pierogi” . K... Pyjama Party in the Kindergarten Class. Piżama Pa... Let’s count to 100! Liczymy do 100. Building something out of nothing, that could be n...