Singing carols and meeting Santa. Spotkanie z Mikołajem i wspólne kolędowanie z pomocnikami Mikołaja. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Our tomatoes have been plated! Now we can’t wait t... Grade 1 creating their own music. Klasa 1 tworzy w... We can all make this world a better place! Thanks... Continuation of the project our students have been... First Graders and a theatre lesson where they unsc... Class 1 and their German lesson about jobs. Was bi... Class 2 and their favourite numbers in augmented r... Congratulations to our girls who won a handball to... The Traveller's Club visited The Czech Republ... Peer teaching in Grade 1. Lekcja koleżeńska w klas... 8th place in the athletics competition. Congratula... How does the brain work? Looking for an answer. Ja... Class 1 learnt how to tell the time. Poznajemy peł... Our Carnival Masks are ready. Nasze maski karnawał... Butterflies and their work of art inspired by autu... Board games made by our pupils. Testujemy gry mate...