Sense of smell- The Kindergarten Class. Sensoplastyka- poznaliśmy różne zapachy i wykonaliśmy woreczki woreczki zapachowe do szafy. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Happy Kindegarten day! Wszystkiego Najlepszego dl... Grade 1 preparing gifts for their Grandmas and Gra... Grade 3 learning about the weather in a German les... The Kindergarten Class celebrated St Andrew’s Day.... Solar system made by Grade 1. Układ słonaczny w w... Our Pupils did great in another Cambridge English... First Graders officially students of our School.... Peer teaching in Grade 1. Lekcja koleżeńska w klas... Zerówka zaprasza na Pajama Party. Come to my pajam... First Graders working very hard. Klasa pierwsza pi... Butterflies celebrating the Kindergarten Day! Mot... Congratulations to Justyna, our 5th Grader. She go... The Kindergarten Class and their solar system. Rob... Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Pi... Grade 3 learning Math with a board game. Gry matem... Colourful hedgehogs made by the Kindergarten Class...