Results of a Nationwide English Contest “MEMORY MASTER”- some of our students did great! Congratulations!!! Gratulacje dla naszych uczniów, którzy zdobyli wyróżnienia w Ogolnopolskiej Olimpiadzie z języka angielskiego MEMORY MASTER!!! Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Carnival masks made by Grade 1. Maski karnawałowe... First graders learning to code in their IT lesson.... Learning to sew. Uczymy się szyć. Butterflies and the chocolate lollipops for their... The Kindergarten Class programming Dash the robot.... Second Graders working hard in their English class... The Kindergarten Class, their ginger bread cookies... Reviewing grammar and talking about the past in an... St. Valentines. Walentynkowo. The Kindergarten class making Easter Baskets and l... The phenomenon of electrification on Class 8. Elek... A football tournament. Nasza szkoła awansowała do... 2nd Graders made their own math board games. Klasa... Christmas Eve that The Owls spent together. Wigili... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Taking the classes outside the classroom. A Spanis...