Quarter finals in handball. Congratulations to our brave students. Braliśmy udział w ćwierćfinałach województwa śląskiego w piłce ręcznej. Gratulujemy postawy naszym uczniom. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Halloween. How's that possible that fleece is made of pl... Butterflies and their umbrellas. Motylkowe parasol... Making Easter Eggs to help poor families! We love... Valentine bookmarks. Walentynkowe zakładki do ksią... Beautiful rainy pictures made by Grade 1. Praca pl... Preschooler’s Day. Dzień przedszkolaka. “Don’t Cry, Little Goat” depicted in a short play... Grade 5 and their notes concerning conditionals. N... Watching “Cinderella”. Spektakl teatralny „Kopciu... Reading books and talking about them can be exciti... Animals, animal vocabulary and jobs. A German clas... Congratulations to our girls who won a handball to... Making and decorating gingerbread cookies Święta p... All Saint’s Day was a great opportunity to visit a... Winter mosaics made by The Kindergarten Class. Zim...