Posters encouraging others to read. Wykonanie projektu plakatu zachęcającego do czytania książek. Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Our theatre group called “No Name” took part in a... Learning about different places in the town in a S... Another good news from Justyna. Congratulations! K... Fancy dress ball in the Kindergarten Class. Bal k... Grade 3 and their Halloween decorations. Klasa 3 o... Science in Grade 5- models of karst caves and clim... Grade 1 and their first augmented reality projects... Class 1 and days of the week in English. Klasa pi... Quadrangles review in Grade 5. Matematyka klasa 5... Thanks to this workshop our youngest pupils know a... Workshops with FloJaMo. Sówki podczas warsztatów z... The Oscars or rather The Apples, ceremony on the o... An English class about clothes in Grade 1. Lekcja... Winter in a jar. Zerówka zaprasza na zimowy eksper... Posters advertising a movie based on a book Grade... Learning about road signs. Poznajemy znaki drogow...