Posters advertising a movie based on a book Grade 7 read. Klasa siódma tworzy plakaty do ekranizacji noweli „Latarnik” Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Carnival masks made by Grade 1. Maski karnawałowe... Practicing volleyball in the PE lessons. Ćwiczymy... Autumn leaves made by Grade 2. Jesienne liście kla... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Halloween. Zeró... Colourful volcanoes made by The Kindergarten Class... Our Christmas Play. Jasełka. Learning about the nervous system. Poznajemy układ... Grade 2 learning about what a liter, half a liter... Mystery boxes created by Class 4- we got inspired... A model based on “The Little Prince” made by Grade... International Women’s Day- boys from Grade 6 and 7... Reading newspapers straight from the UK #royalfami... Dzień Edukacji Narodowej, uczniowie wcielili się... Chocolate surprise on the occasion of The Girls’ a... Grade 2 doing Math! Klasa 2 uczy sie dodawać z pr... Grade 5 playing theatre in their Polish lesson. Pi...