A play conducted by The Kindergarten Class for their Grandparents . Zerówka świętuje Dzień Babci i Dziadka . Zobacz pozostałe galerie wydarzeń >> Galeria wydarzeń Practicing volleyball in the PE lessons. Ćwiczymy... Making the area around us a better place! I nasi U... Learning to read the temperature. Odczytywanie ws... Coding in an IT class. Kodowanie podczas lekcji in... Grade 5 prepared an assembly about spending the wi... Sensory games with fake snow. Let it snow, let it... Grade 6 making a selection of different big Europe... Our theatre group called “No Name” took part in a... On our way and in Banialuka theatre. Wczoraj w Ban... Class 1 and days of the week in English. Klasa pi... Singing carols and meeting Santa. Spotkanie z Miko... Celebrated Children’s Day by organising Sport’s Da... Articles about fashion written in a German lesson... The Kindergarten Class celebrating Bees Day. Zerów... Grade 8 learning to play chess by programming robo... Valentine bookmarks. Walentynkowe zakładki do ksią...